Friday, March 27, 2009

100th Sale!

I had my 100th sale last week in my Etsy shop! Handsome Teebo bought his carrot Easter tie. Doesn't he look smashing?

I sent him some bonus toys, and a box of Girl Scout cookies which he shared with his Mom and Dad! This is his sister, Callie. She is exhausted after playing with the big, fat rat!

Callie has decided the rat is her pal, and she plans to chillax with him every day! Thanks to all the customers who have visited and purchased from my shop. I appreciate each one of you!


Phyllis said...

Congratulations!!! The things you make are so cute :)

Thanks for the link to the eagle cam; I've already bookmarked it. We have several bald eagles not far from here and they are so incredible!

My back is better today; I just have to keep from lifting anything. Thanks for visiting!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yay! 100! I am going to buy some stuff today to celebrate!