Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The Cat in the Clover is excited that we now can be found at!

The new site is mainly to direct people to all our other sites - the Etsy shop, our blog, Facebook, and Twitter.  It is also easier when I'm talking to people (if I don't have any business cards with me) and can direct them to a dot com website - it seems easier to remember!

A big thanks to Ted for helping me get it set up.  For less than $15 a year (through we registered the name and then set up the website through Google Docs.

I'll be sprucing up the site in the near future, but for now, it fills a purpose! Thanks for checking it out.


dude K said...

dood gleek....

de look on yur face iz priceless buddy...( top and across pick sures )

happy eazter...harvey ~~~ :)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

conga rats two the ct in the clover on yur a cheese mint !!!!