Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm happy to announce that The Cat in the Clover has just sponsored our 6th cat at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary!

When Calvin made his journey to the bridge back in October of 2009, I started making Calvin Collars in his memory. For every 25 sold, I sponsor an orange cat in Calvin's memory.

In 2009, Cheeze and Sebastian were sponsored. In 2010, Homer, Sunny, and Yellowstone were sponsored. Saigon is the first kitty for 2011, and I hope we can sponsor four cats this year.

Thank you to all our pawsome friends who have purchased and proudly worn a Calvin Collar. It makes my heart happy!

If you're on Facebook, we'd love to have you as one of our fans! Stop by and visit us!

Here is what Best Friends says about Saigon:

Is it safe to come out? If you'd survived the horrors of Hurricane Katrina, you might be hesitant to face the real world again, too. And if, like Saigon, you're a feral cat, the world becomes that much scarier. It's hard enough to survive when you're a feral, but when your whole world's disappeared, it's almost impossible.

Born in 2002, Saigon's not only handsome, but he's also very fortunate -- he was saved from the ruins. He originally went to a good Siamese rescue. However, he was loathe to leave his feral ways behind, and didn't adjust well there. So, he came to Best Friends, where we have comfortable, roomy areas set up for feral cats. Here, they can be just who they are, but safe from the dangers of life on the streets. Saigon is settling in well. He watches everything closely, but doesn't bolt away. He's even slowly getting to know his caregivers. With time, and all the space that he needs, Saigon may decide to give his trust fully to humans.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Eight is Great!

Sweet Popeye is celebrating her 8th birthday today. Her Mom bought this cute cuppycake kneading blankie from my shop as Popeye's present!

Midnight wants in on the soft blankie too! Midnight is Popeye's cat mom!

Happy Birthday, Popeye!

We hope you enjoy chillaxin on your blankie!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

All the cats from The Cat in the Clover wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! Here are three of our friends modeling their new Valentine Calvin Collars.

This beautiful kitty is Princess Tu Two, and she is only six months old! Aren't her eyes stunning?

And this is her beautiful sister, Xena Princess Warrior. Her red Calvin Collar looks so pretty against her gorgeous black fur!

Their handsome mancat brother is Zeke! All the girlcats are going to be saying hubba hubba when they check him out in his Bow Tie Calvin Collar!

Hug your cat today . . . . . and every day! Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snooze Sack Variety!

There are many ways to enjoy a snooze sack. Here is cute Cash demonstrating that sometimes it is best to lay next to the snooze sack until you get brave and the camera isn't in sight!

Here is Cash's brother, Gibbs, lounging sideways in the snooze sack!

Pretty Hazel Lucy shows that you can enjoy your snooze sack flat like a blanket!

And Newman sneaks into a snooze sack that just got finished for the shop! My cats don't usually test out the snooze sacks, but he couldn't resist Hello Kitty!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


This handsome mancat is Utu. He lives in Australia, and he reminds me of Calvin - doesn't Utu have the most beautiful eyes? I also think he has a pawsome name - Utu is a Sumerian sun god, and what cat doesn't worship the sun?

He is modeling a Calvin Collar that he received from his secret santa, Oly, this past Christmas. I think it also looks good as a Valentine collar!

Good job, Utu!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Catnap Time!

Are you staying warm during the frigid cold temperatures from the snowstorm that has hit most of the country? Well, Popeye and Midnight know the best cure for a cold night!

Snuggling in a fleece snooze sack is a purrfect fit!