Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh, Canada!

Luke is tired after cheering on his Canadian hockey team to victory!

It's a good thing that he has this extra large bed from The Cat in the Clover to chillax on and savor the Olympic victories.

And it doesn't look like he wants to share the bed with his sibling!

You're precious, Luke!


Findlay Furs said...

It is a pawsome bed! I nap in it efurryday!

BeadedTail said...

What a cool bed! His furbling needs a cool bed too!

Milo in Montreal said...

Oh what a cool bed. Luke lives about 10 minutes from me, I think I will go there to have a nap. Oh wait, I has a better idea! I wants one of my own! YEA!!!!


Milo in Montreal