If we had to add it all up, Newman has probably been more bad than good in the five months he has been on this planet.

But how can you resist this cuteness? It's hard to say no to cuteness like this . . . . . believe me, I've tried.
And been very unsuccessful!
Newman is the adorabulest. Cute bad cats evryware are all wayting to see if he's gonna get away with it, or git kole in his stocking.
Teds tried to, but with no luck. ha haa!!!
Newman is so darned adorable! Maybe one day you'll look back on all his misbehavior and wonder where that badboy went. Hopefully.
What a paw full!!!
Newman is TOO CUTE! Midnight's kitten stage is giving me WAY too many gray hairs. It is always fun looking back over kitten antics but not so fun when they are doing it NOW!
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